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Salute Rob
Luis Alejandro García Photo

Luis Alejandro García

Graphic Designer & Front End Developer

Who am I?

Nice to e-meet you, my name is Luis Alejandro García and all my life I have been curious about technology and design. In 2009 I finished my graphic design studies, then I dedicated myself to work as a freelance developer creating web pages in Adobe Flash and over time each client, company and agency in which I worked allowed me to expand my knowledge and learn new libraries, frameworks and integrations. Today I believe I have the ability to learn, create and develop any digital asset.

Throughout my career I have been fortunate to meet and work with people in different areas who undoubtedly contributed to taking my skills to a new level. I have a great passion for my profession and everything I do always has my heart and commitment.

In my free time I always try to get away from the city and spend time in nature.



Mountain top

My mission is to be able to join the aesthetic and the functional within a friendly and impressive interface.

Work Experience Timeline



I started working as an Adobe Flash developer making web pages and multimedia.

My interest and the projects I worked on began to require data persistence and it was at that time where I learned the basics of PHP and MySQL.

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My first formal job was for a prestigious and innovative jewelry chain in my country as a Webmaster. This experience gave me the opportunity to strengthen my knowledge and manage a robust platform with thousands of daily visits and a database that had information of more than 55,000 different products.

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Master on MDM

At this time mobile devices began to have a great presence on the internet and my interest in it took me to Spain where I did a Master's in Mobile Device Management and graduated with recognition.

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This year I joined a university focused on strengthening the most required professions in the country. In this institution I was a professor of business practices and thesis support in the area of Information Technology.

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Start-ups consulting

My experience as a teacher gave me the tools to structure and consolidate projects. This knowledge helped me to support start-ups as a consultant. In order to offer the right tools I learned a lot about frameworks focusing mainly on Angular JS.

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About four and a half years I have worked as a front-end developer, primarily supporting the marketing automation area. This agency allowed me to work for world-renowned companies for which I did: creation of personalized emails, creation of nurture flows, AEM support, automation of tasks for production, landing pages and forms integrations.

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My Own Projects

Throughout my career I have had ideas about tools that allow me to support companies and people in the digital environment. Little by little I have been developing each one of them and I hope in the not too distant future to be able to launch these projects.

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Brands for which I did some work

Brands 1
Brands 2