
What do I do and how do I do it? Here you will find the list of services that I currently provide and a brief description of them. Additionally, there are some fields of knowledge of which I do not provide a service for creation, but I have knowledge for advice.

Salute Rob
Interactive Presentations

Interactive Presentations

Do you want to attractively expose a new service or product? An Interactive presentation is the best way to present ideas through graphics, videos, animations and other multimedia resources.

  • 2D and 3D animations
  • Operations and graphics
  • Assembly of multimedia resources
Interactive Presentations

Email Marketing and Automation

Do you need to register your customers or do you have a customer data base, but you don't know how to connect with them in order to increase your sales? I can help you creating the logistics and all the digital resources to be able to carry out successful digital campaigns.

  • Landing Page
  • Form integrations
  • HTML responsive email creation, Templates for Outlook OFTs and EMLs
  • Campaign flows
Interactive Presentations

Process optimization through e-tools

Day by day new solutions emerge to solve the needs of business processes. These solutions allow shortening production times, reducing the number of errors, documenting the results and reducing resistance to change.

  • Process documentation
  • Research
  • Solution anlysis
  • Customization
  • Implementation
Interactive Presentations

Project Consulting

If you have an idea that you want to turn into a digital project but don't know where to start? In order to develop any digital project, it is essential to have information that allows you to make the best decisions and not fail in the attempt.

  • Conceptualization of a web project
  • Measure the scope of a project and translate it into work flows
  • Technologies, times and prices
  • Support and advice in the different fields of design and programming.
Fields of knowledge

Fields of Knowledge

  • Corporate image
  • UI/UX Design
  • 3D Model setup and animations
  • Video post production and effects
  • Phone apps (Android, Apple and hybrids)
  • Google integrations (Maps, gmail, firebase, etc... )
  • Database normalization
  • Prints
  • Games creation
  • Sound editing